Monday, November 14, 2005

Next Blog

At the top of most of the blog sites through blogspot, there's a "Next Blog" button. Lately, I've been randomly moving browsing blogs. It amazes me how many people use their blogs to wrestle with issues of faith. Even in a church as open-minded as ours, I don't see people asking the same complex, reflective or difficult questions as I do out on the internet. Could it be (a) that the people who ask the most interesting/important theological questions don't come to church; (b) that when they come they don't ask their questions out loud; (c) that church doesn't provide a context for serious question asking; (d) people are asking questions at church but I simply don't hear them because too many people are relating some benign detail of their week.


Anonymous said...

Is there something intrinsic about church, or Christianity, that promotes questioning?

First Christian Church said...

I'm not sure what's meant by "intrinsic." Historically we have had not only persons who asked questions--like Pascal--but also institutions. Liberal Christianity, for all of its problems, has been successful in prompting a good deal of serious thinking.