Monday, November 14, 2011

What the Soul is in the body the Christian is to the world.

This week's goal is to listen to a sermon a day. Today, I listened to a sermon by Jim White of Southwest Church of Christ in Omaha, NE. I didn't know anything about the preacher or the church before I listened to the sermon. It's the first I found that looked worth the time when I went trolling for sermons in iTunes. It was a good sermon. But what I found most interesting was the quotation from "The Epistle of Mathetes to Diogenetus." He quoted a large portion from parts 5 and 6. It was an early defense of Christianity.

I appreciate the letter. At the same time, it reflects an anthropological dualism that sees the soul as good and the body or flesh as corrupt. But the bulk of the letter is poetic in its description of the ideal Christian. And well worth examination.

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