Tuesday, November 19, 2013


        Right now there's a Facebook game going on.  People publish a certain number of facts about themselves in their status line.  I gather that these are supposed to be things few other people know.  I also gather the the number of items is determined by someone else.  I'm thinking it must be related to whether you make a comment about someone's list about themselves.  I've carefully avoided not commenting on the basis of that hunch.  I've read several of these.  I enjoy getting to know about people.  But it makes me wonder what's the line between private information and public information.  People seem to be sharing some pretty private details about their life.  I've noticed no one has posted a social security number or credit card number. That's wise.  Someone might get your card number and pay off your debt. 
        Non sequitur alert:  It makes me wonder about baptisms. Is the date of baptism public information or private information?  What about the events leading up to your baptism?  Was a person baptized as a child or teenager at the conclusion of a pastor’s class or baptismal preparation?  Was a person baptized as an infant by parents who wanted them to know about God’s grace from their earliest days?  Were they baptized as adults after years of wrestling with God and faith?  
        We share an amazing amount about ourselves online yet many of us treat our faith journeys like our credit card numbers--kept hidden away. Jesus said, “Whoever acknowledges me before people, I will acknowledge before my father in heaven” (Matthew 10:32). Baptisms are conducted in the context of public worship.  They are open statements to the entire world that a person belongs to the community faith who seeks to follow Jesus Christ. Perhaps, the most important thing for you to know about me is this--It happened on March 8, 1981 and it was the best day of my life. 

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