Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Matthew 28:11-15

Matthew 28:11-15 contains the report of an alternate theory about the resurrection. Because Matthew is a believer it is told in a way that speaks of conspiracy theories and bribery. I'm not dismissing the authority of scripture when I say that we see evidence here of Matthew's defensiveness. I do think believers get it into their heads (our heads) that certain things are true on out terms and anyone who has a different perspective is up to no good. 

In seminary, we were exposed to theologians who did not believe that Jesus lphysically rose from the grave. My initial reaction was strongly negative. The more I listened, the more I learned to value their insights. It was false to say they didn't believe in the resurrection. They believed that resurrection was something other than the physical resuscitation of the body.  It caused me to expand my own understanding of resurrection. If it is simply the return to life of one who was dead then why isn't Christ's resurrection viewed in the same light as Lazarus?  

I have come to believe that resurrection is an act of validation. In crucifixion the world sought to deny the legitimacy of Jesus's claims. In the resurrection God weighed in and judged the argument in favor of Christ. And in that way, it is an act of Grace. It is an eternal offer for people to rethink their rejection of Christ and his way. The empty tomb remains an open door through which people who have resisted God can return. 

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