Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Birthday Cards

Yesterday was my birthday. I thought I was being clever when I said that "I am now old enough to run for President." I thought the constitutional age limit on President was obscure enough that I wouldn't be admitting my age--young to some, old to others.

I am always amazed when at how many birthday cards I receive on my birthday. I'm not good at remembering birthday cards. I forget just about everyone's birthday. I recently read a quotation by Fredrick Beuchner that when people wish us a happy birthday they are not remembering the date so much as they are expressing their appreciation for the whole meaning of your life to them. I like that--more in relation to Christmas and Jesus than me. I like the idea that at Christmas we aren't simply focusing on the day of Jesus's birth--which wasn't December 25 after all--but we are expressing our appreciation for Christ's entire life.

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